Sustainability Policies -Contribution to a sustainable environment-
Improving the environmental performance of the properties we manage is one of our social missions. We will lower the environmental impact and make contribution to environmental sustainability by constantly reducing the negative environmental impact of these properties, such as energy consumption, CO2 emissions, water consumption and the generation of waste materials. We also have activities for the proper management of hazardous substances and reduction in their use.
Environmental Policies and External Ratings
Environmental policies
The officers and employees of Kenedix Real Estate Fund Management, Inc. ("KFM") will undertake investment management operations in accordance with the following environmental policies. KFM supports the international goals set forth in the Paris Agreement and is committed to continuously make efforts to mitigation and adaption of climate change. We also endeavor to contribute to the shift towards a circular economy by using resources efficiently.
- 1. Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations
- KFM will promote environment-friendly investment management operations by adhering to environmental laws and regulations.
- 2. Promotion of Energy Conservation Measures
- KFM will systematically advance energy conservation measures at our managed properties, maintaining a strong awareness of the importance of natural and energy resources.
- 3. Reduction of Environmental Burden
- KFM will undertake initiatives to reduce GHG (Greenhouse gas), water consumption and waste emissions as well as promote recycling at its managed properties, understanding its commitment to alleviating its environmental burden. In addition, KFM will take sufficient care when handling harmful substances and environmental pollutants.
- 4. Challenge to achieve net zero GHG emissions
- To achieve Net Zero, KFM has established long-term targets for reducing GHG emissions of its REITs and will work internally and externally.
- 5. Disclosure of Environmental Information
- KFM will work to disclose necessary information to a variety of concerned parties, including investors, tenants and business partners, in such areas as its environmental policies and measures.
- 6. Environmental Education
- KFM will take steps to improve the environmental consciousness of its officers and employees through internal education.
Each REIT will continue to advance environmental and energy conservation measures as well as efficient energy use for their portfolio and proactively acquired the following certifications and assessment to promote initiatives for sustainability.
Overview of Environmental certifications
Overview of environmental certifications (KDX Realty Investment Corporation)
(as of December 31, 2023)
Number of certified properties | Certifiedfloor area (m2) | Ratio (%) (2) | |
Environmental certified building (1) | 104 | 1,350,511.33 | 58.9 |
CASBEE certification | 68 | 769,931.48 | 33.6 |
BELS Certification | 8 | 123,598.73 | 5.4 |
DBJ Green Building certification | 44 | 648,860.20 | 28.3 |
ResReal certification | 3 | 35,601.23 | 1.6 |
Note 1: If a property has multiple environmental certifications, it is counted as one property.
Note 2: The ratio of each floor area to the total floor area of properties owned by KDXR (2,294,498.68 m2, calculated on a pro-rata basis of ownership ratio for compartmentalized ownership).
Overview of environmental certifications and evaluations (Kenedix Private Investment Corporation)
(as of December 31, 2023)
Number of properties | Floor area (m2) | Ratio (%) (2) | |
Green certified building (1) | 5 | 138,937.52 | 37.9 |
Certification for CASBEE for Real Estate | 4 | 91,372.82 | 24.9 |
DBJ Green Building Certification | 1 | 47,564.70 | 13.0 |
Note: The ratio is the percentage of certified floor area to the gross floor area of properties owned by KPI (calculated on a pro-rata basis of ownership ratio for compartmentalized ownership).
CASBEE Certification
CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency) is an evaluation system provided by the Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation (IBEC), to assess and evaluate the environmental performance of buildings, developed under the auspices of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. The system rates the overall environmental performance of buildings from two perspectives; the evaluation of the environmental quality and performance of buildings themselves and the external environmental impact of buildings. CASBEE Certifications are based on a five-scale system (“Rank S (excellent),” “Rank A (very good),” “Rank B+ (good),” “Rank B- (slightly inferior)” and “Rank C (inferior)”) for buildings that have been completed for more than one year.

BELS Certification
BELS (Building-Housing Energy-efficiency Labeling System) is the third-party certification system to rate houses and buildings in accordance with duty to make effort to label energy saving performance in the Act on Improving of Energy Consumption Performance for Architectural Structures. Houses and buildings are evaluated based on the value of BEI (Building Energy Index) derived from the primary energy consumption based on the building energy consumption performance standard set by the government. The evaluation result is represented by a number of stars (one star “★” to five stars “★★★★★”).
KDX Realty Investment Corporation was the first J-REIT to acquire this certification in 2014.

DBJ Green Building Certification
DBJ Green Building Certification Program was launched by Development Bank of Japan Inc. (DBJ) in April 2011 to support real estate that meets environmental and social considerations.
The program evaluates and certifies real estate with environmental and social considerations, taking into account each property's environmental features and measures taken for various stakeholders, such as disaster and community-conscious measures.
Furthermore, there are 5 levels, “five stars”, “four stars”, “three stars”, “two stars”, “one star” as the certification ranks.
KDX Realty Investment Corporation was the first J-REIT to acquire this certification in 2011.

ResReal Real Estate Resilience Certification
ResReal, is the first certification program in Japan to evaluate the “Robustness (location and building)”, “Redundancy”, “Readiness” and “Substitutability” of properties to quantify and visualize the resilience (strength, flexibility, resilience and resistance) of real estate against natural disasters, certified by the Japan Real Estate Institute.
ResReal Flood Damage Edition quantifies the resilience of the subject property to flood damage on a 100-point scale, with five grade ranging from Platinum (extremely resilient) to Standard (generally resilient) depending on the score.
KDX Realty Investment Corporation was the first J-REIT to acquire this certification in 2023.

Reduction of Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions (Climate Change Initiatives)
Basic views
Global warming, as the main factor for a climate change, has been the primal topic at international meetings so far and in 2015 Paris Agreement has adopted a new framework in 18 years since Kyoto Protocol. In this agreement, one of the goals is to keep the increase in global average temperature to well below 2℃, preferably to 1.5℃, compared to pre-industrial levels. In addition, at COP26 in 2021, the Glasgow Climate Pact was agreed that the 1.5℃ target remains in sight and scales up action on dealing with climate impacts., Each Investment Corporation and the Asset Manager recognize that mitigation and adaption of climate change, and introduction of renewable energy is the most important issue for our business activities and properties under management.
Reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions is one of our material issues. We are making a contribution to environmental sustainability by using our business activities and property management operations for continuously cutting energy consumption and CO2 emissions in order to lower our environmental impact.
Support for TCFD recommendations
Kenedix Real Estate Fund Management, Inc. expressed support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) and also joined the TCFD consortium, a group of domestic companies that support TCFD recommendations in October 2021.
TCFD is an international initiative established by the Financial Stability Board (“FSB”) at the request of the G20 for the purpose of discussing the disclosures of Climate-related financial information and the responses by financial institutions. TCFD publishes recommendations for companies to disclose their governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets for Climate-related risk and opportunities.
Also, TCFD Consortium is a group of companies and financial institutions that support the TCFD recommendations. The consortium was established with a view to further discussion on effective corporate disclosures of Climate-related information and initiatives to link disclosed information to appropriate investment decisions on the part of financial institutions and other organizations.
KDX Realty Investment Corporation, Kenedix Private Investment Corporation, and Kenedix Real Estate Fund Management, Inc. will work to expand information disclosure based on TCFD and continue to actively promote ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) initiatives based on “Sustainability Policies” established by the Asset Management Company.

Metrics and Targets
Each of two REITs where Kenedix is the main sponsor has set GHG emission reduction goal (KPI) as follows in order to actively promote the reduction of environmental impact and contribute to sustainability of environment through the mid- to long-term reduction of GHG emission in our portfolio.
Reduction of Environmental Burden
Kenedix will address the issue of climate change through the reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions of the properties under management. Although the range of efforts differs depending on the use of the properties under management, the management period of the funds, investors, etc., each Investment Corporation has taken various approaches.
Initiatives by KDX Realty Investment Corporation
Installation of LED Lightings
We promote to convert lightings in common area, tenant area, etc. and emergency lights (including emergency guide lights) to LED to actively promote reduction of electricity consumption.
We will continue to convert lightings in tenant area by promoting Green Lease based on discussions with tenants in a planned way as well as in common area.

Solar panel installation
We installed solar panels at our properties to decrease GHG emissions.

Remote surveillance of road heating
We have installed remote surveillance systems for snow melting equipment at three properties in Sapporo. Remote surveillance has significantly reduced the cost of fuel for keeping outdoor areas free of snow.

Installing Secure Lockers for Deliveries
Secure lockers for parcels eliminate the need for delivery companies to return to a property when a resident is not home the first time. This reduces transportation GHG emissions and wasted working time for drivers.

Initiatives by Kenedix Private Investment Corporation
Installation of LED lights
Kenedix Private Investment Corporation (KPI) uses LED lights to reduce bulb replacement expenses and conserve energy. KPI also reduces its environmental impact by reducing greenhouse gases.

The 8th Yokohama Global Warming Prevention Award
The Yokohama Global Warming Prevention Award is awarded to companies that have achieved outstanding results in terms of significant reductions of GHG emissions in the Yokohama City Global Warming Prevention Plan System. The eighth annual award was given to six of the 310 applicants who submitted their reports in 2021. G.K. YMM Investment has submitted the report as a representative of the building and was awarded as one of the six awardees.
G.K. YMM Investment is a core fund SPC, for which our group company is entrusted asset management, and invests in a portion of the shares in the Mitsubishijuko Yokohama Building. The Mitsubishijuko Yokohama Building has been jointly managed since 2018 by KDX Realty Investment Corporation, Kenedix Private REIT Investment Corporation and G.K. YMM Investment.

Education to employees on green building
We provide annual sustainability training by external specialist to improve awareness and knowledge on sustainability for our employees.
Green finance
Kenedix, Inc., KDX Realty Investment Corporation and Kenedix Private Investment Corporation want to contribute to the development of the domestic market using green finance. The green finance enables more committed efforts to improve sustainability and further contribution to development of the domestic market by financing opportunities to the universe of investors who take active stance towards ESG investment.
What is a Green Finance?
Finance through green bonds and green loans by companies, local governments, or other organizations to raise funds for domestic and overseas green projects, which is a project contributing to environmental solution, are called green finance. As main characteristics of green finance, proceeds are allocated exclusively to green projects, and are tracked and managed in a reliable manner, ensuring transparency by reporting after the implementation of the finance.
Switching to renewable energy sources for electricity
Kenedix has established a fund, which it also manages, that invests in solar and other renewable energy projects in Japan that generate electricity. Our asset management services for this fund are backed by our many years of experience involving private funds, the arrangement of financing and other activities.
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Number of renewable energy power plants* |
23 | 23 | 34 | 47 |
Output of renewable energy facilities (MW)* |
155.7 | 155.7 | 161.4 | 170.4 |
Note: The number of renewable energy power plants and output of renewable energy facilities at the Kenedix renewable energy fund are as of the end of each year and include locations that are operating or under development by Kenedix Investment Partners, Inc.
100% Renewable-energization of Group REITs
As part of our decarbonization management, we established Kenedix Green Energy, Inc. (KGE), a wholly owned subsidiary of Kenedix, Inc., on June 5, 2023, with the aim of contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions by switching to 100% renewable energy for the electricity consumed by the properties managed by Kenedix group in order to achieve the carbon neutrality of Kenedix group. KGE’s main business is service provider of retail electricity business as stipulated in the Electricity Business Act, and its current goal is to convert to 100% renewable energy for the electricity consumed by the properties owned by our group REITs by the end of FY2025.
KGE will develop power generators, procure stable renewable energy electricity by concluding long-term Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), propose switching to renewable energy electricity for the properties owned by our group REITs, and provide renewable energy electricity through licensed retail suppliers.
By promoting this business, KGE will contribute to the realization of GHG emission reduction target of “Net Zero” for the Group REITs, as well as to the Kenedix Group’s key material issue of “Contributing to a Sustainable Environment.”

Note: PPA is the abbreviations for the Power Purchase Agreement. PPA is contract in which corporations, such as companies and local governments, purchase the electricity derived from renewable energy sources.
Installation of solar power generation system on the roof of “Kolet,” single-family properties for rent
Kenedix has installed solar power generation system on the roof of “Kolet,” single-family properties for rent operated by Kenedix, together with TEPCO Energy Partners, Inc. (“TEPCO EP”) and PinT, Inc. (“PinT”), and started operating a scheme to directly supply renewable energy-derived electricity using an on-site PPA/TPO* model in which power generators install power generation facilities on the premises of customers.
Under the Scheme, TEPCO EP will build a solar power generation system on the roof of the "Kolet" and operate the power generation business. For home use by "Kolet" residents, power from renewable energy will be supplied directly from solar power generation systems, and surplus power exceeding the demand from "Kolet" residents will be sold through commercial systems.
PinT has been commissioned by TEPCO EP to provide electricity billing services for the in-house use of "Kolet" residents. PinT will provide a unified operation service of the electricity supply scheme in the "Kolet" business by establishing billing structure for "Kolet" residents together with the virtually renewable energy 100% that the company has already supplied to all "Kolet" homes.

Note: PPA/TPO is a system whereby a solar power generation company collects its own funds or investors to set up a solar power plant, and then concludes a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with a user who wants to purchase electricity from renewable energy.
Reduction of Water Consumption and Waste Materials
Basic views
Although there is no imminent water supply crisis in Japan, climate change and population growth threaten the viability of water supplies worldwide. We recognize that ensuring water sources is critical to our business as well considering the steady increase in global water consumption.
Progress concerning the proper treatment of waste materials and the effective use of natural resources in Japan is continuing as people become increasingly aware of the importance of 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) activities. Japan is focusing more and more on recycling resources as much as possible rather than mass consumption. Due to growing limitations on natural resources worldwide, there is a need for even more qualitative initiatives to go along with quantitative measures for lowering the volume of waste materials.
As an organization that provides asset management services for many types of properties which are used as a place to work or live, Kenedix has significant obligations to use a diverse array of activities for using real estate to cut water consumption and the generation of waste materials.
The reduction of water consumption and waste materials is one of our material issues. We are constantly seeking ways to use our business activities and properties to cut water use and the amount of waste materials produced. We are also lowering our environmental impact and contributing to environmental sustainability by properly managing hazardous substances and eliminating their use wherever possible.
Initiatives to reduce water consumption
Water Conservation Initiatives
We are working to reduce water consumption by introducing toilets with water-saving functions and installing rainwater tanks in our properties.
Rain garden at Yokohama Connect Square
Kenedix has promoted a large-scale development project in the 37th district of the Yokohama Minato Mirai Central District in collaboration with partner companies. In this project, rainwater is first stored during rainfall and gradually infiltrated to recharge groundwater. The landscape changes with the weather and seasons.

Initiatives for reduction of waste materials
Waste material reduction and sorting
By cooperating with property management companies used for portfolio properties, we contact tenants of office buildings, retail facilities, residential properties and other properties to urge them to reduce the amount of waste materials and dispose of items properly for each category of waste materials.
Proper measures for hazardous substances, soil contamination and other materials requiring special handling
Before acquiring a property and in conjunction with other transactions, we thoroughly examine properties by receiving an engineering report that covers the building's structure and facilities, including environmental items. We also receive an earthquake probable maximum loss assessment, a soil contamination survey and other information. These activities ensure that the building complies with laws and regulations.
The engineering report includes a confirmation that a building is free of asbestos, PCBs and fluorocarbons. If any hazardous substances are discovered, appropriate actions are taken, such as by establishing counter-measures, managing or disposing of these substances, in accordance with laws and regulations.
If a property we plan to acquire has soil contamination, we make the investment only after the completion of soil contamination counter-measures.
Brownfield Development at Yokohama Connect Square
Kenedix has completed a large-scale development project in the 37th district of Yokohama Minato Mirai Central District in collaboration with our partner companies. For this project, we are contributing approximately 1 billion yen to take appropriate measures to deal with soil contamination such as removal of contaminated soil and installation of water shielding walls, etc.

Collaboration with Tenants for Environmental Initiatives
Basic views
As we are continuously making effort to realize sustainable environment, we think it is crucial to cooperate with our tenants who constantly use our properties. We are aiming to cooperate by taking initiatives to raise awareness and promoting green lease that allow both owner and tenant to share economic merit to achieve sustainable environment.
Collaboration with environmental initiatives is one of our material issues. We have been making contribution through promoting tenant cooperation and cooperating with other stakeholders such as property management companies who actually manage the building and employees of Kenedix Group who manage the properties.
Initiatives for collaboration with tenant
Green Lease
KDX Realty Investment Corporation and Kenedix Private Investment Corporation conducted LED lighting installation works for a part of a tenant office space at the expense of them based on the agreement. A certain ratio of the highly reduced amount of electricity charges and maintenance costs (costs for exchanging fluorescent bulbs) has been paid from the tenants in return as Green Lease fee.
What is a Green Lease?
It is an agreement specifying that building owners and tenants shall cooperate with each other to reduce environmental burden. The agreement contains provisions to facilitate renovation toward more environmentally-friendly office buildings by reducing building owners’ investment burden through sharing the economic merits generated as a result of energy-saving renovation works among building owners and tenants. It also contains an agreement to streamline operations for energy saving, water saving and enhancing indoor conditions.
Introducing green lease with clause for environmental cooperation
KDX Realty Investment Corporation and Kenedix Private Investment Corporation have promoted including clause to cooperate to improve environmental performance of the property, comfort and productivity of tenant into its based contract.
Cooperation with property management companies
KDX Realty Investment Corporation and Kenedix Real Estate Fund Management, Inc. are engaging with property management companies to share their vision, policies of sustainability and when making contract with a new tenant, property management companies explain these ideas to tenants to achieve their cooperation.
Basic views
Protecting biodiversity and using real estate projects to create urban areas are normally conflicting activities that involve trade-offs. Kenedix has a commitment to managing real estate while giving substantial considerations for protecting biodiversity, which is critical to combating climate change. Biodiversity also plays a key role in the creation of pleasant environments for the tenants and residents of our buildings as well as everyone living in the surrounding areas.
Promotion of greening
We plant bushes, flowering plants and other greening at building entrances, open areas of building sites, rooftops and other locations. Rooftop greening at retail facilities creates a relaxing space for people and has the added benefit of preventing the reflection of sunshine, which helps hold down summer heat in large cities.

Consideration for Biodiversity
Birdbath at Yokohama Connect Square
Yokohama Connect Square, which Kenedix was engaged in the development and which was completed in January 2023, has birdbaths that serve as watering and bathing areas for wild birds.

ABINC certification
Hibiya Parkfront, which is where our head office is located, has received ABINC certification (urban/SC version) from the Association for Business Innovation in Harmony with Nature and Community (ABINC). This building, which we developed as a joint venture, was received this recognition due to its measures to protect biodiversity.

Relevant Data
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Number of renewable energy power plants* | 23 | 23 | 34 | 47 |
Output of renewable energy facilities (MW)* | 155.7 | 155.7 | 161.4 | 170.4 |
Violations of environmental laws and regulations and environmental accidents | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Note: The number of renewable energy power plants and output of renewable energy facilities at the Kenedix renewable energy fund are as of the end of each year and include locations that are operating or under development by Kenedix Investment Partners, Inc.